Imgshr v2 - Easy Snapshot, Image Upload & Sharing Script
Imgshr is an Image hosting script. It allows you to upload,host and share images. It also allows you to PrtSc (snapshot/screenshot) and Ctrl + v to upload snapshots.This application is based on PHP Laravel framework, so if you know it you can easy customize anything you want.

- Laravel 5
- Bootstrap 3+
- Simple & responsive interface
- Easy install
- Images supported (jpeg/jpg, png, gif)
- Drag & dropzone for upload
- PrtSc (screenshot) and Ctrl + v to upload screenshot
- Upload private images (not visible on home page)
- Share images on social network
- Report copyrighted or illicit images
- User management
- Lightbox effect
- AdBlocks - Ad management for advertisement
- Disqus comment system
- Admin panel to manage pages & images
- and many more.
User login -
Admin Panel -
Update Log v2.0
- Added User login & management system
- Added Snapshot upload feature
- Added private image upload feature
- Added image reporting feature
- Added feature to set upload restrictions on image size from admin panel
- PHP 5.5 or later
- fopen enabled
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
For any query or help email us [email protected]